GNU Health. Incorporating Digital Public Goods in the European healthcare system
- Track: Public Code and Digital Public Goods devroom
- Room: AW1.120
- Day: Saturday
- Start: 16:15
- End: 16:30
- Video only: aw1120
- Chat: Join the conversation!

GNU Health is a free/libre health and hospital information system with strong focus on public health and social medicine. It has been declared a Digital Public Good. In this talk we'd like to talk about the history of GNU Health, its adoption in health systems around the world, the importance of being a Digital Public Good and the integration with other sister DPG projects like Orthanc. We'd also talk about the current efforts to integrate GNU Health and other DPGs in the European healthcare system. We'll mention some projects like FSFE "Public Money, Public Code" and other initiatives like JoinUp to make Free Software a reality in the European public administration in general, and, specifically, in the healthcare system
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Luis Falcon |
Gerald Wiese |