Making reproducible and publishable large-scale HPC experiments
- Track: HPC, Big Data & Data Science devroom
- Room: UA2.118 (Henriot)
- Day: Saturday
- Start: 10:30
- End: 11:00
- Video only: ua2118
- Chat: Join the conversation!
For a long time, scientific publications focused only on experimental results, ignoring how, concretely, the results were obtained, making difficult for readers, but also for the author, to reproduce the experiments. Things are slowly changing: publication of so-called "artifacts" are encouraged by journals and conferences. However, releasing scripts and programs used for experiments can be challenging: how to organize the material? how to clearly document the instructions? how to ensure reproducibility of the experiments? how to ensure long-term availability? Several answers are possible to all these questions. In this talk, I will try to summarize how and why my methodology to build reproducible artifacts evolved over several years in the research area.
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