Brussels / 2 & 3 February 2019


Mariano Anaya

Mar­i­ano is a soft­ware en­gi­neer who spends most of his time cre­at­ing soft­ware with Python, and men­tor­ing fel­low pro­gram­mer­s. Mar­i­ano’s main ar­eas of in­ter­ests be­sides Python are Lin­ux, soft­ware ar­chi­tec­ture, func­tion­al pro­gram­ming, dis­trib­uted sys­tem­s, and speak­ing at con­fer­ences. He is also the author of the book Clean code in Python.

Mar­i­ano is a soft­ware en­gi­neer with years of experience building software with Python, in several different types of systems (web platforms, security systems, cloud services, and data processing). Among many conferences, he has presented at EuroPython 2016 and 2017 editions, and is a member of the PSF and Python comunity.

He is also interested in many other open source technologies: Go, Linux, PostgreSQL, and he's looking forward to learn Rust.

Besides Python, Mariano is interested in multiple aspects of software engineering: machine learning, functional programming, Linux, and distributed systems.



Title Day Room Track Start End
Demystifying Coroutines and Asynchronous Programming in Python Sunday UD2.120 (Chavanne) Python 11:00 11:25