Liviu Chircu

Full time VoIP engineer / software developer. Open-source enthusiast. Passionate about concise thinking, pristine software design, code reviewing, documenting, golfing and nursing, along with command-line trick-arsenal assembly and production.
Liviu Chircu has been involved with OpenSIPS and the VoIP world for close to 7 years. He is a software developer and VoIP consultant for OpenSIPS Solutions. Armed with extensive knowledge regarding SIP protocol quirks, OpenSIPS inner-workings, troubleshooting typical VoIP setups, software packaging and deployment automation, as well as architecting SIP platforms and databases from A-Z, his constant focus is on producing optimal answers to random questions, as quickly as possible.
His speaker experience includes talks at the OpenSIPS Summits, as well as FOSDEM, AstriCon and ClueCon.
Liviu also contributes with tech articles on the OpenSIPS blog and chirps under @liviuchircu.