Interview with Richard Jones
Better loop mounts with NBD. Take your loop mounts to the next level with nbdkit
Richard Jones will give a talk about Better loop mounts with NBD. Take your loop mounts to the next level with nbdkit at FOSDEM 2019.
Q: Could you briefly introduce yourself?
I’ve been working at Red Hat for 12 years, on a whole variety of different things, all relating to free and open source software. Most recently I’ve been concentrating on virtualization and how we inspect and modify the disk images used by virtual machines. I’ve written a whole load of tools for this, such as guestfish, virt-builder and nbdkit.
Before I started at Red Hat I was involved in three start-ups, respectively in: high-performance networking; schools & online communities; and online marketing.
Q: What will your talk be about, exactly? Why this topic?
I think it’s a very innovative take on a topic that most people will already be familiar with.
Loop mounting in Linux is something that people often do, but it’s
very inflexible: OK, so you can loop mount a disk file. But what
about if you downloaded the disk file and it was compressed? This is
very common – look at how all the Linux distributions share their
cloud images these days as *.raw.xz
files. But loop mounting
completely fails to handle this simple case!
Using NBD for your loop mounting, particularly with our flexible plugin-based server called nbdkit, takes boring old loop mounting to the next level. Mount a compressed disk image? No problem! Mount a weird format like VMDK? Sure, we’ve got a plugin for that. Loop mount a RAM disk? Yup!
How about writing a Linux block device driver – as a live programming demo in front of an audience of hundreds – in shell script? Come to the talk and watch me do it.
I aim to live demo all of these things from my laptop, so that gives a fun sense of danger to the talk.
Q: What do you hope to accomplish by giving this talk? What do you expect?
While I hope to give a fun, interesting and visual talk, I also expect that most of the people in the audience will be able to take away a new skill that they’ll be able to apply directly to their life using or working with Linux.
Q: What’s the history of the nbdkit project? What was the motivation to start it?
nbdkit was started in 2013 as a “Trojan horse”. Let me explain…
Although we have well-established formats for disk images, things like raw and qcow2, and we have well-established tooling like qemu-img and guestfish, we didn’t have a way to “wire up” different components.
What we needed was a network protocol that lets you stream data between these formats and components. Rather than inventing something new, we chose Network Block Device (NBD), which is a very old protocol (from 1996), and one which was getting a new lease of life after development was restarted, and after a second generation of the protocol was implemented which fixed a lot of the problems with the original design.
Using NBD you can stream data between formats and programs. For example qemu can serve a snapshot of a running VM over NBD and you can stream the snapshot into a backup:
$ qemu-img convert nbd:localhost:10809 backup.qcow2
But back to nbdkit… We needed a way to get data out of proprietary data sources, particularly VMware servers. But we couldn’t use the existing qemu-based tools for this because the VMware library you have to use has a really poisonous license that is incompatible with GPL. I put together a small BSD-licensed server using a plugin system, allowing us to link the server to VMware code, and with a plugin ABI guarantee so you can distribute proprietary plugins separately.
So the original aim behind nbdkit was to be a Trojan horse to get into proprietary systems and liberate their data, making it available to free world tools.
Thanks to the plugin architecture it’s evolved into something far beyond what we originally intended.
Q: What’s the main target audience for nbdkit? Developers, testers, even end users?
All three of those groups.
Q: What’s the most impressive accomplishment you have seen using the nbdkit server?
One of the things I’m going to show in the talk is how you can use 5 nbdkit servers running side by side to simulate a RAID array. Then alongside those there are some graphical tools which can visualize what’s actually happening inside the disks – you can literally see the kernel reading and writing the disk in real time. And then you can ask nbdkit to inject errors into disks and you can watch as the kernel rebuilds parts of the RAID array. I think it’s a pretty great demo, assuming my laptop works.
Q: What does nbdkit’s community look like? How can interested developers contribute? In which domains could you use some help?
In fact nbdkit is not a large program at all. Just counting the server and the plugins that we ship in the source tree, it’s only about 30,000 lines of code (and just the server: under 7,000 lines). We have two core developers, and a lot of other irregular contributors. Anyone who can program in C can contribute to the core server. To write plugins, you only need to know a scripting language, like Perl or Python, or even shell script.
Since we expect that people will start to expose nbdkit servers to the wide open Internet (as part of hosting public PXE services), I’ve been taking a long look at security, but we could always use fresh eyes in this area.
Q: Which new features can we expect this year in nbdkit?
Development really exploded in 2018. If you’d asked me in January 2018 what I expected, I wouldn’t have expected very much. I might even have said that nbdkit was in maintenance mode. But that’s not how it turned out in 2018. We had 4 major stable releases, an entire new concept called “filters” that you can place in front of plugins, 12 new filters, and I don’t even know how many plugins – probably something like 10 new plugins. Oh, and TLS support, plus a completely new version of TLS authentication which was added to the NBD standard.
Then there were all sorts of unexpected side projects – someone was disappointed that nbdkit couldn’t handle their use case which was filling a 10 Gbps network connection from 1000s of clients while using under 100 MB of RAM. So they rewrote quite a lot of the internals using callbacks (instead of a thread per client), and actually managed this incredible feat. Unfortunately the changes were so deep and broke the plugin ABI so we couldn’t integrate them back upstream. It’s free software and liberally licensed, so you can never anticipate how people will flex the code in new ways, and that’s of course one of the great things about FOSS.
So I don’t know if I can make good predictions for 2019. I’ll just be happy if the FOSDEM talk goes to plan, and it brings in lots of new, happy users.
Q: Have you enjoyed previous FOSDEM editions?
Yes, I’ve been to FOSDEM - not every year - since I think 2011. It just gets bigger and better.

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