Interview with Joe Conway
PostgreSQL Goes to 11!

Joe Conway will give a talk about PostgreSQL Goes to 11! at FOSDEM 2019.
Q: Could you briefly introduce yourself?
Hello, my name is Joe. I have been involved with the PostgreSQL community for over 20 years in various capacities. Currently I am a PostgreSQL Committer, Major Contributor, and Infrastructure Team member. I am also VP PostgreSQL Engineering at Crunchy Data Solutions and a Board Member at the United States PostgreSQL Association (PgUS).
Q: What will your talk be about, exactly? Why this topic?
The talk starts out with some history and structure of the PostgreSQL community. It then goes into the development process we have used for several years, including some metrics and trends. Then it covers (at a very high level) new features in PostgreSQL 11 and features coming or being developed for future releases.
This topic is important if you want to contribute to PostgreSQL, or if you are, or might become, a user.
Q: What do you hope to accomplish by giving this talk? What do you expect?
I hope to give the audience a big picture idea about how the PostgreSQL community works, and a sense for the vast amount of new features that are produced by this process. Hopefully it will inspire some folks to join in and help with the development, and others will see hints of cool new features that they will then go look at more closely on their own time.
Q: You have been involved with the PostgreSQL community for a long time. How has PostgreSQL evolved in all those years? What’s the biggest difference between PostgreSQL now and 20 years ago?
I guess the main things that come to mind are 1) the community has grown substantially and therefore so has the complexity of interactions; and 2) the product itself has matured and improved in leaps and bounds with every major release.
The thing that has not changed is a deep devotion to doing everything in the best possible way. The community has always demanded excellence of itself, and that has fed its success.
Q: Last year saw the release of PostgreSQL 11. What are some notable features in this release? And which new features can we expect in PostgreSQL 12?
You need to attend the talk for these answers.

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