These pages have been archived.
For information about the latest FOSDEM edition please check this url:
We love feedback!
Please take a minute to fill out our online feedback form, or send us a mail at
First video recordings uploaded!
We are pleased to announce that the first video recordings of FOSDEM 2012 have been uploaded to our master server; they should be available shortly as our mirrors synchronize with our main server. You can browse the contents through
Please note that this is only the first batch; there are many more videos to come. We will make an announcement when all videos have been uploaded; meanwhile, please bear with us as we continue with transcoding and fixing up of the remaining videos.
Video recordings
Our video team is hard at work to make the video recordings available. No news yet on exactly when they will appear online, but stay tuned!
For those of you interested in the technical aspect of the video streaming, have a look at .
Thank you, volunteers!
FOSDEM would like to thank all volunteers who helped make our conference possible again. The bussload of students that helped with the setup, the numerous volunteers that reacted to the call for volunteers, the people who spontaneously showed up at the infodesk offering their services. The regular veterans, the new blood. You all did a splendid job and we sincerely hope to see you all again next year.
Thanks, guys. Couldn't have done it without you!
Error on printed schedules
We have discovered that the printed schedules end about an hour before the conference is scheduled to end. We are still trying to decide whether the schedule is too long or the paper too short.
Note that at 17:00 in Janson, Bdale Garbee will present his Freedom, Out of the Box! keynote. This will be followed immediately by the closing talk and FOSDEM dance.
Be there ... or be elsewhere!
Video feedback?
FOSDEM is streaming video from a select number of rooms this year (see the URLs if you want to watch).
Watching the stream from home? Love it? Hate it? Feedback is much appreciated!
You can join us through IRC: #fosdem on Freenode, or (with slightly higher latency) use hashtag #fosdemvideo on twitter.
FOSDEM dance
Unfortunately, due to time constraints we were unable to entertain the crowd with our usual FOSDEM dance.
To make up for this, we have rescheduled it to after the closing talk.
Schedule changes
The following are last-minute changes and are not in the booklet or printed schedule:
Opening talk:
- only in Janson
Open Mobile Linux devroom:
- new: 'Clouds over computing' by Jens Wiik at 18:00
Virtualization and Cloud devroom:
- cancelled: 'Application scheduling on OpenStack' at 12:00
Telephony and Communications devroom:
- talk swap: 'Mobicents, TelScale and RestComm' now at 10:30
- talk swap: 'Enhancing FreePBX with Adhearsion' now at 13:20
Free Java devroom:
- 'OpenJDK on ARM: Quo vadis' not 60 minutes but 30 minutes
Perl devroom:
- new: 'LedgerSMB: Open source accounting running on Perl' at 12:25
Graph Processing devroom:
- replaced: Bio4j talk by 'Birds of a feather - Graph processing, future trends!' at 11:10
PGP Keysigning participants list
The PGP Keysigning participants list is online.
Printable schedule
Despite having a lot more sessions this year (around 430 as compared to 320 in 2011 and 2010), we managed to cram it all into 4 A4 pages for you to print. It provides an almost convenient overview of all the sessions for you to plan your weekend at the conference.
The PDF is available here.
Cold weather
The Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium is predicting exceptionally cold weather for Saturday and Sunday. As it will be cold outside, while possibly very warm in some devrooms, make sure your clothing has multiple layers. This way, you won't freeze to death or sweat like a pig. Hopefully.
Last speaker interviews
To finish our collection of informative interviews with the FOSDEM 2012 main track speakers, we proudly present:
- Juan David Gonzalez Cobas and Javier Serrano (open hardware)
- Bryan Østergaard (community management)
- Ben Klang (Adhearsion)
- Soren Hansen (monitoring)
- Kristian Høgsberg (Wayland)
- Anil Madhavapeddy (UNIX I/O)
- Carl-Daniel Hailfinger (coreboot)
- Claire Corgnou (average Jane and Joe)
See you at FOSDEM this weekend!
Video streaming URLs
As previously announced, FOSDEM will be streaming video for a select number of our rooms, in WebM and Theora codecs.
LPI Item Writing Workshop on Sunday
LPI holds an open attendance item development workshop for the new exam "Linux Essentials" on Sunday. G. Matthew Rice, Director of Product Development at LPI, will guide this workshop.
For further information, please read the details here.
Betagroup Coworking invitation
there have been some requests from people attending FOSDEM that would like to go to the Betagroup Coworking to work on Friday and Monday. So they thought that it would be a good idea to host as many partcipants as they could... for
Please see details and signup info here: Space is limited and signup will be disabled when they reach their limit.
Third batch of FOSDEM 2012 speaker interviews
Here is the third batch of interviews with our main track speakers:
The FOSDEM venue grows
This year the ULB has kindly offered us the use of an additional new building on their campus. It's the K building and it's located on the other side of the parking from the Janson Lecture hall.
Second batch of FOSDEM 2012 speaker interviews
Here is the second batch of interviews with our main track speakers:
Meeting Rooms
This year, we will provide two meeting rooms (aka "BoF rooms") in the AW building. The idea here is that they are provided for unplanned or, rather, spontaneously planned and brief meetups.
Call for volunteers
FOSDEM 2012 is almost upon us, and we're looking for motivated people to help us make it a success again. If you've visited FOSDEM in the past, you've probably seen our enthusiastic army of volunteers that helped us make FOSDEM a pleasant experience for all our visitors. If you want to be a part of this great team, here's your chance to sign up!