FOSDEM - Devrooms en Developer Room Schedules available The <a href="/2008/schedule/devrooms">Developer Room Schedules</a> are finally available. Devrooms Fri, 08 Feb 2008 20:45:51 +0100 loki 120 at OLPC Europe Kickoff Meeting FOSDEM 2008 will host a <a href="/2008/schedule/tracks/olpc">kickoff meeting for OLPC Europe</a>, organized and hosted by <a href="/2008/schedule/speakers/holger+levsen">Holger Levsen</a>. Devrooms Fri, 08 Feb 2008 20:30:30 +0100 loki 119 at Drupal devroom call for speakers <i>Quote from <a href="">Dries Buytaert</a> / Drupal:</i> <p>Mark your agendas because the <a href="">Drupal project</a> got a 200-person developer room at FOSDEM on Sunday, February 24th. <a href="">FOSDEM</a>, which stands for <em>Free and Open Source Developers' European Meeting</em>, is a yearly free and non-commercial event for the open source community, held in Brussels (Belgium). With more than 3,000 attendees coming from all over the world, FOSDEM is the biggest open source event in Europe.</p> <p>We will use the developer room to meet, discuss, and talk about Drupal. Right now, we're looking for speakers so let us know in the <a href="">comments</a> if you want to give a presentation. Alternatively, feel free to request presentation topics as well. <a href="">Joeri Poesen</a> from <a href="">Krimson</a> is the lead schedule wrestler.</p> Devrooms Sun, 06 Jan 2008 21:50:18 +0100 chri 100 at Research Room: call for participation <p>The organizers of the <a href="/2008/schedule/devroom/researchroom">Research Room</a> have launched <a href="">a call for participation</a> for their <a href="/2008/schedule/devrooms">developer room</a> at FOSDEM 2008.</p> <p>If you'd like to present your work our project (on that topic), <a href="">contact them</a> before January 24th.</p> Devrooms Wed, 02 Jan 2008 16:29:14 +0100 loki 99 at Announcing 2008 Developer Rooms <p> Every year, FOSDEM hosts so-called "Developer Rooms" (aka "devrooms"): we put equipped rooms at the disposal of FOSS projects that organize talks, hacking sessions, discussions and similar activities there. </p> <p> Here is the list of Developer Room requests that have been accepted for 2008: <a href=""></a> </p> <p> The individual descriptions and schedules will be updated and announced as sent in by the respective projects. </p> Devrooms Mon, 03 Dec 2007 02:20:39 +0100 loki 94 at Call for Developer Rooms and Stands <font color="red"><b>The deadline has passed. The call for Devrooms and Stands has ended.</b></font> <p> FOSDEM will take place on 23 and 24 February 2008, and we provide so-called Developer Rooms ("devrooms") as well as Stands (booths) to Free and Opensource projects. For every devroom we invite a project to organize talks, open discussions and/or hacking sessions. We offer an environment for developer collaboration, but we have only a limited number of rooms at our disposal. </p> <p> Stands are provided to let projects present themselves, draw interest and talk and share knowledge with the vast crowd of developers attending the conference. </p> <h2>1) What we offer:</h2> <h3>1.1) Developer Rooms:</h3> <ul> <li>a room on Sat 23rd from 14:00 to 19:00 and on Sun 24th from 09:00 to 18:00,</li> <li>a video projector with cables (VGA)</li> <li>power (<a href="">C/E plugs</a>)</li> <li>wired (RJ-45) network with Internet access at the speaker's desk,</li> <li>best-effort shared wireless Internet access (a and b),</li> <li>publication of the schedule <a href="">FOSDEM website</a>, including speaker bios and talk abstracts.</li> </ul> <h3>1.2) Stands:</h3> <ul> <li>one or two tables of min. 1m x 70cm each, positioned in the hallways of the Developer Rooms and between the Main Track conference rooms,</li> <li>two chairs per table,</li> <li>one power plug <a href="">type C/E</a> (bring connectors/adapters etc yourself),</li> <li>best-effort shared wireless Internet access (a and b)</li> </ul> <h2>2) Conditions for requests:</h2> <h3>2.1) Developer Room:</h3> <ul> <li>be a Free or Opensource project,</li> <li>send us a devroom request as described below,</li> <li>send us a complete schedule <b>at least 3 weeks before the event</b> (further details provided when request is accepted),</li> <li>we prefer joint DevRoom requests of projects with similar goals, collaboration guaranteed.</li> </ul> <h3>2.2) Stand:</h3> <ul> <li>be a Free or Opensource project,</li> <li>send us a stand request as described below.</li> </ul> <h2>3) Applying for a devroom:</h2> <p> Every year, we get a lot more requests than we have rooms, and the latter also vary a lot in size (from 30 to 200 seats). Because "first come first served" is not the best option by any means, the FOSDEM organization team will select the projects that will get a DevRoom. </p> <p> To request a DevRoom, send the following information to <a href=""></a>: </p> <ul> <li>Project name</li> <li>URL of the website of the project</li> <li>Description of the project(s) (will be put on website when accepted)</li> <li>Name of devroom responsible and your role in the project</li> </ul> <p> All Developer Room request must be sent in <b>before Monday 2007-11-26, 23:59 CET</b>. </p> <p> If you would also like to have a Stand, include a stand-request in the email as described below. Both requests will be treated seperately, so you might get either one of them, none or both. Note that we try to put booths next to their DevRooms, but in the worst case they will be 2-3 minutes away. </p> <h2>4) Applying for a stand:</h2> <p> As with Developer Rooms the number of available stands is limited as well, and the FOSDEM organization team will select projects that will get a stand. </p> <p> To request a stand, send the following information to <a href=""></a>: </p> <ul> <li>Project name</li> <li>URL of the website of the project</li> <li>Description of the project(s) (will be put on website when accepted)</li> <li>Name of stand responsible and your role in the project</li> <li>A short description of the activities you plan to do on your stand (demoing applications, handing out information or media, ...)</li> <li>Whether you would like 2 tables in stead of one, your motivation for the second one.</li> </ul> <p> All Stand request must be sent in <b>before Monday 2007-11-26, 23:59 CET</b>. </p> Devrooms Sun, 04 Nov 2007 17:21:30 +0100 loki 90 at